Attuning in nature - hands on education for sustainable development
Transdisciplinary Ecology Summer School
Autres Langues
Residential field ecology module

A 10-day field ecology module takes place at the beginning of an optional 9-month Arts and Ecology Masters Level program. The field ecology module takes place at our venue in rural France. Here, amongst the woodlands, fields, and natural waterways, you will meet the course team both face to face and virtually, and begin your ecological retuning and attuning journey within and around other species.
This international transdisciplinary intensive will provide a grounding in both practical and philosophical biology, ecology, biodiversity mapping and conservation, and biologically-inspired art and design. There will be hands-on introductions to citizen science and community arts practices, as well as space for theoretical and philosophical conversations toward the practical implementation of genuine sustainable development.
At the RAiSE residential, you will be staying in simple, sustainable, rustic accommodation consisting of a sleeping barn, a shared kitchen and dining room, and a classroom space. If you prefer your own private space, you are welcome to bring a tent and sleeping bag. The timetable includes practical skills-based learning as well as the theoretical and philosophical curriculum. There will be space for reflection and conversation. Mornings will be practical based, followed by a communal lunch, with afternoons documenting findings, developing theoretical frameworks, and practical resources for the following morning. Evenings will be for conversations, sharing ideas, and inspiring eco-media. The first part of the residential will consist of deep orientation to locations, site, and space. This will be followed by developing techniques of deep observation and ecological inquiry, consisting of fieldwork which will feed into developing techniques of both investigating and enhancing the mutually symbiotic inter-specific relationships that can help you on your re-tuning to nature pathway.
Towards the end of the residential, you will apply your knowledge and understanding of nature and sustainability to an attuning to nature mini-project which will help you towards the more extensive RAiSE project that you will instigate on your return home.
After your return home the course will continue with a rota of virtual classes and tutorials to help you to progress your project and its documentation. Projects will be compiled in a virtual gallery, and assessed, and based on this, RAiSE Certificates (MA or MSc) will be obtained on course completion. Participants will be invited to present their projects at the following year's residential either face-to-face or virtually. It is envisaged that a mutually supportive network of like-minded projects could develop in different countries over time.